Abel Mulugeta (ET)
SingerAbel Mulugeta is a rising star in Ethiopia’s music scene. His hit songs include Lib be 40 Amet [my heart at ...

Afripedia (SE)
Film/Film makersA new documentary series about the creative force that is reshaping the image of Africa beyond the stereotypes.The African future ...

Alemayehu Eshete (Etioipen)
SingerAlemayehu Eshete är tillsammans med Mahmoud Ahmed en av de mest kända sångarna inom etiopisk musik. Som stjärnsångare i legendariska Police Orchester ...

Alpha Blondy & The Solar System
Reggae Icon from Ivory CoastAlpha Blondy (Ivory Coast) Alpha Blondy is among the world’s most popular reggae artists. With his 12-piece band ”Solar System”, Blondy ...

Amie Bramme Sey
DJAmie går från klarhet till klarhet och var länge älskad profil på SR Metropol, numera stjärna som levererar senaste nytt ...

Asayehegn Alemu (ET)
SingerSinger, song writer Asayehegn Alemu a.k.a. Ayu joined the ethiopian music scene after graduating college from Haromaya University. He played with ...

Calle Real (SE)
Timba“Calle Real is, hands down, the most explosive salsa/timba band to ever come out of Europe. They take command as the ...

Chico Trujillo (Chile)
Cumbia/Ska/ElectrocumbiaChico Trujillo is a New Chilean Cumbia band merging cumbia, ska, reggae and rock, among other styles. Chico Trujillo mixes original songs with traditional cumbia, exploring styles as diverse ...

Choco Canel
DJChoco Canel is one of Stockholm's most sought after DJs and club organizers with more than 10 years of experience. She ...

Christian Dinamarca
DJ/ProducerAn innovative DJ and producer of club music through countless gigs and acclaimed collaborations. When he’s not touring around the country, ...

Circus Debere Berhan (ET)
CircusCircus Debere Berhan was established in 1998 as the first Ethiopian circus working with disabled people.Their performances is an eclectic ...

Combo de la Musica
ArtistsCombo de la Musica has a sound that is both new and old, both explosive and responsive, both cool and ...

Daniel Lemma & Hot This Year Band
MusiciansIn his late teens, Daniel Lemma moved to Gothenburg, where he started to perform at local clubs and bars. During ...

Dawit Tsige (ET)
SingerWinner of this year’s Balageru Idol Mirt, (Ethiopian Idol) the talented Dawit Tsige will have his first ever live performance ...

Dirk Van den Berg
FilmAfter a first career as a professional pianist, Dirk moved to Rome, Italy. He studied and graduated as a producer ...

DJ Jaja Saine
DJJaja är front runner av den bästa dansmusiken från världens alla tänkbara hörn och utlovar kvällen till ära de mest ...

DJDJ JAZZY DAVE a.k.a. Dawit Asrat Alemayehu is one of the up and coming DJs that is part of Addis ...

DJ Masaya
DJ✯ DJ MASAYA ✯ (Global Groove Klubb Stockholm): Dj Masaya rör ihop en cocktail bestående av transatlantiska toner mixade med de nya elektroniska trender. ...

Dj Ulmox
DJDj Ulmox är en legendarisk profil inom Stockholms klubbliv med inriktning på nyskapande global musik. Han har tidigare spelat på ...

Dobet Gnahoré (Ivory Coast)
SingerGiven Dobet’s upbringing, it should come as no surprise that performing comes so naturally. Dobet’s father, Boni Gnahoré, is himself a master drummer, ...

Eden Gebreselassie (ET)
SingerEden Gebreselassie received critical acclaim from her hit song Swnwano. In her short music career she was able to being her ...

Endeguena Mulu
DJ, producer (ET)Ethiopian Records born Endeguena Mulu is one of the leading lights of Ethiopia’s burgeoning electronic music scene. Born and raised in ...

Eric Soul (Rwanda/Belgium)
AFROPEAN MUSIC NETWORK – CLUBNIGHT – SCREENINGS – LIVE PERFORMANCES – DJ – AUDIO& VISUALPRODUCTION – RADIO&TV BROADCASTRwanda born, Belgium by upbringing, London by choice, cultural activist/DJ Eric Soul has been a regular DJ in various clubs ...

Essa Cham
ReggaeartistUnder de senaste två åren har Essa Cham etablerat sig som en mycket uppskattat artist på den svenska musikscenen. 2013 ...

Ethiocolor (ET)
Folklore from EthiopiaGruppen utgörs av elva musiker och dansare som blandar musik från olika delar av Etiopien och använder traditionella instrument som ...

MusicianErica ”Etzia” Haylett from Gothenburg has gone from clarity to clarity and is now ready to bring her unique sound ...

Fatoumata Diawara (Mali)
SingerFatoumata Diawara is a singer and guitar player from Mali whose lilting voice, fluid guitar playing and effortless melodies recall ...

Förbjudna Orkestern
Fem kvinnor – fem musiker – fem uttryck. Medverkande: Nadin al Khalidi, Liliana Zavala, Emilia Amper, Simona Abdallah, Sousou Cissokho. På instrument ...

Gaël Faye (Rwanda/France)
LYRICIST | HIP HOP ARTIST | WRITERGaël Faye was born in Burundi, of a French father and Rwandan mother. Forced into exile by the war ...

Gnučči (SE)
Singer/Rapper/Songwriter/PerformerAna Rab, better known by her stage name Gnučči is a vocalist/rapper/performer/ songwriter, quickly on the rise, establishing a name for ...

Gold & Wax; Mikael Seifu and Ethiopian Records (Endeguena),
Producers, DJ's, musiciansGold & Wax is the collaborative live project of Ethiopia’s Mikael Seifu and Ethiopian Records (Endeguena). Their music is the combination ...

Habib Koite (Mali)
MusicianHabib's guitar playing is characterized by unique features, he tunes the instrument according to the pentatonic scale and plays on ...

Helen Berhe (ET)
SingerHelen Berhe is an Ethiopian rising star who is best known for her cover song Uzaza Allina which was originally ...

Den senaste i raden av stjärnor som fostrats i plantskolan Tensta Gospel Choir heter Janice. Med en rad soulinfluerade popsinglar ...

Jemimah Sanyu (Uganda)
SingerBorn in the eastern Uganda Jinja the source of river Nile, the award winning vocal artist, JEMIMAH SANYU , has ...

Jireel & Naod
HipHop♦Jireel & Naod All vaken tid efter skolan sitter Jireel & Naod i studion. Det är en ära för oss att få ...

Joel Sebunjo, Kareyce Fotso, Aly Keita (Uganda,Mali, Cameroon)
Singer/MusicianJoel Sebunjo is one of Uganda's most recognised young folk / world music artistes. Over the years, he has crossed ...

Krar Collective (Ethiopia/UK)
Band. The three musicians knew each other from the Addis music scene, but only started working together when they met in ...

Kristin Amparo
SingerKristin Amparo is a vocalist and songwriter on the rise to worldwide recognition for her unstoppable and seemingly unlimited artistry ...

HiphopKumba is a Swedish hiphop recording artist, rapper/songwriter from Landskrona. Kumba M’bye's big breakthrough came when she appeared on the remix ...

Lamine Cissokho
MusicianLamine Cissokho kommer från Senegal/Casamance och är en ättling till en “berättarfamilj”, en så kallade grioter, med en historia som ...

Lexxus Legal (DRC)
Hip hop artistLexxus Legal is a leading figure of Congolese hiphop. A proud African but very critical of the problems of the ...

DJ actLL & CC consists of two girls who since 2014 has played places like WayOutWest, F12, Sturecompagniet, Stockholm Culture Night, Klubb ...

Mahmoud Ahmed (Etiopien) & Roha Band
SingerMahmoud Ahmed is one of the biggest singers in Ethiopia, known all over the world. One of his greatest ...

DJ CollectiveMahoyo is a creative collective that do what they love. From having been a blog and online store, they have ...

DJ CollectiveClub Mamarazzi's party collective from southern suburbs that have hosted clubs and played together since 2012. The collective has organized events filled ...

Singer/RapperWith equal parts genuine American soul and R’n’B, combined with slightly chilled European club music, Mapei is the best of ...

Marcus Price & Jaqe
Rapper/Beat Maker/ProducerIn 2013 they released the single "Oprah," giving us a hint of this superduos unique sound. "Oprah" was followed up ...

Marcus Price (SWEDEN)
DJ, ProducerMarcus Price has been behind the production of several well-known Swedish artists, but is best known for his efforts ...

Marimba Roney
DJMarimbas adventure among the turntables began at age 15 at one of Stockholm's most important clubs of reggae and African ...

Fado singerMariza är född i Mocambique med portugisiskt far och moçambikisk moder, uppvuxen i Lissabons traditionella fadokvarter, Mouraria. Ingen portugisisk sångare har ...

Megatronic (UK/SE)
UrbanMarcus Price & Megane Quashie bildar tillsammans Megatronic! Marcus Price har bla. legat bakom produktioner för välkända svenska artister, men ...

Melaku Belay
Dancer,entrepreneurMelaku Belay is an Ethiopian traditional dancer born in Addis Abeba in 1980. Early, he showed interest for the different ...

Michael Belayneh (ET)
SingerMichael Belayneh was born and raised in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Music, for Michael, has always been a passion to live ...

Mike Yangstar & Damion
DJThe dynamic duo Mike Yangstar & MC Damion with the best of dancehall, azonto, Coupe Decale and more! https://soundcloud.com/nuhlinga

Music Is The Weapon
GroupThe eleven musicians strong Music Is The Weapon bringing Afro-beat to the people since 2007! Praised and Manifest Price awarded ...

Nachla Libre
Spoken WordIntiativtagare och konstnärlig ledare för det poetiska nätverket Revolution Poetry. Revolution Poetry är en spoken word-scen som poeterna Nachla Vargas Alaeb, ...

DJ collectiveNamaste är ett DJ-kollektiv som levererar allt från svettig hip hop till grind-healing och långsam RN'B.

Nathan Hamelberg
DJNathan Hamelberg is among other things behind the legendary clubs Serious Party and Bring The Noise. Nathan has promised us ...

Pape Diouf (Senegal)
MbalaxBorn in 1973 in Dakar, PAPE CHEIKH DIOUF is from a guewel (griot) family originally of the Sine-Saloum Delta region ...

MusiciansQwanqwa, based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, is named for this concept, Qwanqwa being the Amharic word for language. The members ...

Creative collectiveRMH Sound System RMH # WHYIHUSTLE RMH is a management, record label and creative collective that works with brand building, events, public ...

Robbo Ranx
DJ AND RADIO PRESENTERDJ AND RADIO PRESENTER Known to the Reggae world as Robbo Ranx, Roger Robinson has grown to be the UKs biggest ...

Romeo Santos
Dominican RepublicRomeo Santos solokarriär går som tåget. Han tar just nu musikvärlden med storm med sin blandning av traditionella karibiska ö-rytmer ...

Sabina Ddumba & Melinda De Lange
VocalistsSabina Ddumba and Melinda de Lange impressed the audience greatly with their interpretation of Chuck Berry's Havana Moon during this ...

Safari Sound
DJ'sSafari Sound was founded in 2003 by DJ Shirkhan. In 2006 Sammy K joined the sound as an MC, making ...

Samuel Yirga (ET)
Musician, composerSamuel Yirga is a young Ethiopian musician and composer. Samuel is one of Ethiopia's most promising young musicians and composers ...

Sarabi (Kenya)
BandSARABI is Swahili for Mirage, the word also means, Imagination, Vision and Creation. The 2013 “Honesty Oscars Nominees” are undoubtedly Kenya’s ...

Seani B (UK)
DJ, RadiohostSeani B was born in London and has while growing up merged all the music that inspired him and ...

Sintayehu Belay & Balkew Alemu (ET) - Inner Vision Project
MusiciansSintayehu Belay, 21 is a young and upcoming musicians working on her debut album along with Balkew Alemu under Selam’s ...

Sister Justice
DJ/VJDancehall Selecta from Stockholm who has taken the dancehall scene by storm. With gigs at Södra Teatern, Göta Källaren, F12, ...

So Mad Crew
DancersMed oss under kvällen är även grymma dansarna i So Mad Crew! So Mad Crew har spridit magi i staden ...

Sousou & Maher Cissoko (Sverige/Senegal)
ArtistsExpressive singing and rhythmically rocking music define this unique and charismatic duo. Together with their groovy band they line up ...

Spoek Mathambo (SA)
Singer/Rapper/Producer/DJSpoek Mathambo is the stage name of South African musician (Singer-Rapper-Producer-DJ), Nthato Mokgata. He is a world-renowned musician/producer/visual artist from Johannesburg. ...

Stewart Sukuma & Banda Nkhuvu (Moçambique)
ArtistStewart Sukuma is undoubtedly one of Mozambique's leading artists! Both as an artist and as a person, he has a ...

DJ ActSugarcane was founded by four Stockholm based DJs; Missdj, Aïssa, Sister Justice and DJ Erykah. All four love to play worldly ...

Sydney Solomon and the Imperial Majestic Band (Jamaica/Ethiopia)
ReggaeSydney Solomon was born in Kingston Jamaica, studied music in the United States at the Queens conservatory of music and became ...

Tadele Gemechu (ET)
SingerTadele Gemechu is a leading oromifa singer in Ethiopia. His love songs are mix of traditional and modern songs that bridge ...

The Azmaris Synthesis (ET)
Crossover projectProducer Endeguena Mulu and Azmaris (traditional singers, a mix of traditional Ethiopian instruments with Ethiopiawi Electronic with melodious sounds that bring ...

Thomas Gylling (SE)
DJ, Radio, TV,Thomas Gylling brought the world into our living rooms with TV and radio shows such as "Pang Pang Crocodile" in ...

Tsedenia GebreMarkos (ET)
SingerTsedenia GebreMarkos is one of the leading musicians in the Ethiopian music scene. She gets her inspirations from traditional and ...

Tsegaye Eshetu (ET)
SingerTsegaye Eshetu is a highly talented Ethiopian artist whose music list included traditional and modern Ethiopian songs. He is most notably ...

Tsehaye Yohannes (ET)
SingerTsehay Yohannes has yet again graced Ethiopian music lovers everywhere with another impeccably crafted album. His return to the music scene ...

Yegna (ET)
Multi-platform brandRooted in Ethiopian culture and developed with behaviour change experts, Yegna (yen-ya) is a multi-platform brand designed entirely to inspire positive change ...