Gnucci & Spoek Mathambo till Addis, Luanda och Lusaka!

It’s the day before Selam Festival Addis concert program will take place and the days in Addis are filled with seminars and workshops. Gnucci & Co is on the road with Selam for a short tour with touch downs in Addis, Luanda and Lusaka!
Here are Gnucci with Spoek Mathambo and Roxy Farhat along with 12 vocalists and participants in the project Music Leads the Way, all in the beginning of their careers, following a workshop on Selam studio and office in Addis Ababa! The workshop gave practical tips and inspiration on how it is possible to put out music with simple means via social media, and shared thoughts about self-confidence and courage to get around in an often difficult to navigate and male-dominated industry.
The tour is made possible by support from Musikverket and Swedish Arts Council and the swedish embassies in Luanda and Lusaka.