Forum: Successes, Challenges, and Prospects of Circus in Ethiopia

On Thursday 11 July 2018 Selam Ethiopia organised a consultative forum that aims to advocate for an official recognition and policy support for the circus sector in Ethiopia was held today at the Addis Ababa City Hall Theater and Cultural Center.
The forum, entitled “Successes, Challenges, and Prospects of Circus in Ethiopia”, ensemble senior officials of the federal Ministry of Culture and Tourism; Culture and Tourism bureaus’ heads of Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa city administrations, and of the four regional states; as well as circus clubs, circus professionals, renowned figures, and relevant stakeholders across the nation.
The circus industry and the number of clubs in Ethiopia registered a remarkable growth during the past 25 years, where the sector has offered exposure opportunities for talented young people, adorned public shows and events, helped to boost the national image, and contributed its share to the national economy through growing employments and income.
“As an organization committed to unleash the growth of the Ethiopian culture sector, including the circus industry, we are glad to see a number of issues straightened out at today’s forum. SELAM ETHIOPIA shall continue its legacy of supporting the Ethiopian circus sector in capacity building, finance, and material as it has been doing for the last 25 years.” said Teshome Wondimu, Executive Director of Selam Ethiopia,
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