Succé för Ethiocolor på Sverige turné

Ethiocolor has received attention in the press in many places! The radioshow ”Klingan” on Swedish Radio , P2, highlighted Ethiocolor:( listen here from about 19:21 into the program). The album received great reviews in SvD by Lars Lovén, and the concerts were very positively recieved by critics in DN, Sydsvenska Dagbladet and Lira .
Group Tour schedule:
October 29th – Copenhagen Jazz House
October 31 – Stockholm , Nalen
Nov 1 – Gothenburg, Planeta Festival , Gothenburg Concert
November 6 – Malmo , Victoria Theatre
November 7 – Workshop , Jam and individual lessons at the Royal Academy of Music with pupils on Folk Music Program
November 8 – Umeå , Scharinska
The tour was made possible by support from Musikverket.