SelamxJanice to Vietnam!

Between the 15th and 22nd of November, Selam is travelling to Vietnam with the talk-of-the-town, up-and-coming soul artist Janice! On location in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, Janice will perform at the EU Music Festival and will also visit the Soul Academy school in Ho Chi Minh City to conduct a workshop with attending music students.
The project marks Selams second initiative in Vietnam and further visions of collaborations for the future is already in the making.
– The project with Kristin Amparo in Vietnam 2014 was the starting point of our initiative to promote and connect Swedish artists to demands and audiences in Asia and it feels amazingly inspirational to have the ability to return with such a talented and contemporary artist as Janice. We also view this as a great opportunity to establish connections with Vietnamese culture organisations and to explore possibilities for collaborations and exchange on a long-term basis, says Selams executive director Teshome Wondimu.
Tour dates:
21/11 Live @Youth Theatre, Hanoi
The project in Vietnam is enabled by and conducted with the support from the Swedish Embassy in Vietnam and EU Music Festival.