Selam launches new livestreaming platform Selam Sessions!

During these difficult times without any live concerts and culture we would like to offer our audience and fans some quality music from our local music heroes that all makes Stockholm and Sweden a better place! Therefore we say hello to our new livestreaming platform Selam Sessions! Ten Wednesdays 19.00 in a row this spring, starting March 31, Selam Sessions will broadcast livestreamed concerts on @Selammusic Facebook page and Youtube recorded at the lovely Stureparken Studio in Stockholm.
– For us at Selam its always important to present and highlight local artists and rythms from Africa, Latin America and the Carribean. All these rhytms bear witness to the everyday life, dreams and feelings of various groups and genereations of diasporic people.
The ongoing pandemic has made it diffult for these local swedish artists to work with their profession as an artist and we therefore launch the livestreaming-platform ”Selam Sessions” in order to support the local scene and highlight the diversity of Swedish music today, says Selams founder and Executive Director Teshome Wondimu.
Lineup and dates:
Dekula Band: 31/3, 19.00
Mapei: 7/4, 19.00
Chelsea Muco: 14/4, 19.00
Ebo Krdum: 21/4, 19.00
Ali Dhantoo: 28/4, 19.00
Los Luchitos: 5/5, 19.00
Million Stylez & Mike Yangstar: 12/5, 19.00
NJOL: 19/5, 19.00
Desmond Foster Longside the Half Past 6ix Band: 26/5, 19.00
Mary N’diaye: 2/6, 19.00
Dont forget to share the link when streaming live on Facebook for the concert to reach as many as possible! And make sure to mark your calender and tune in!
We propose a donation of 100 SEK for the concerts, but its optional. These donations from audiences and fans will cover some of the costs for the artist fees and other production costs.
Swish: 123-5358957