Selam, Linda Pira & The Salazar Brothers to Chile & Cuba!

Selam starts in 2017 in an amazing way!
Along with Redline Recordings icons such as Linda Pira and The Salazar Brothers. Selam will go on tour in Latin america with Swedish artists for the first time ever. On location in Santiago and Havana, 20-30 January, Redline-crew will conduct concerts and workshops with local artists.
“The tour with Redline has been something we’ve wanted to do for a long time. Both Chile and Cuba are interesting markets for Swedish musicians and we also want to look at future opportunities for further cultural exchanges between Sweden, Chile and Cuba, says Selam Chief Producer Osiel Ibanez .
The tour involves Redline producers DJ Salla and Masse (Cristian Salazar and Marcelo Salazar), visiting Chile and Cuba for the purpose of working for the first time. It is Linda Piras first tour in Latin America.
In addition to artistic collaborations organized in Santiago and Havana, networking meetings at Swedish embassies with local cultural agencies, authorities, representatives from the music industry and press will also take place. Selam will at these meetings present its previous and ongoing cooperation with the Chilean and Cuban musicians, and discuss possibilities to deepen cooperation.
The tour of Chile and Cuba has been made possible with the support of the Swedish Arts Council and the Swedish embassies in Santiago and Havana.