Seminarium: Konferens om kulturens roll för demokrati!

Som en del i serien Selam Cultural Forum har vi nu äran att presentera en konferens om kulturens roll för demokratiutveckling i ett urval av afrikanska länder. Invigningstalare är Alice Bah Kuhnke, kultur- och demokratiminister i Sverige.
Datum och tid: onsdagen den 16 september kl. 08.30 – 12.30
Plats: Stora Scen i Dieselverkstaden, Sickla
Anmälan: Antalet platser är begränsade.
OBS! Fri entré men obligatorisk anmälan via mail till senast måndagen den 7/9.
Med stöd av Sida har Selam under året genomfört en förstudie med syftet att uppdatera bilden av hur fungerande kultursektorer och dynamiska kulturliv kan anses bidra till demokratisk samhällsutveckling i afrikanska länder.
Syftet har även varit att lyfta fram lokala aktörers perspektiv på förutsättningar och problembilder för att kultursektorer ska ha möjlighet att samverka till demokratisk samhällsutveckling, samt att lyfta fram hur man från ett biståndspolitiskt perspektiv på bästa sätt kan främja insatser som gemensamt stärker kultur och demokrati i afrikanska länder.
Vi vill nu presentera delar av undersökningens innehåll samt bjuda in till ett tillfälle att diskutera frågan vidare i ett samtal som invigs av kultur- och demokratiminister Alice Bah Kuhnke och som sedan leds av ett flertal huvudrepresentanter för kultursektorer från olika afrikanska länder.
Alice Bah Kuhnke (Sverige), kultur- och demokratiminister i Sverige.
Maurice Mwande Okoth (Kenya), VD för Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK), en utav östra Afrikas mest framstående institutioner inom upphovsrättsfrågor. Bio nedan på engelska.
Mr Okoth is an Advocate of High Court of Kenya of over 10 years standing, a Certified Public Secretary (CPS) and an expert in the field of copyright and related rights. Mr. Okoth is currently the Chief Executive Officer of the Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK). With Mr. Okoth at its helm, MCSK has grown from barely 600 members in 2005 to over 9,000 to date with several of its members earning millions of shillings in royalties.
Prior to joining to MCSK, Mr. Okoth was in private legal practice at the firm of Muttisya & Co. Advocates where he was Head of the Litigation Department. As part of his Company Secretarial practice, Mr. Okoth has served on the Boards of a number of leading institutions in the fields of professional training, human resource management and entertainment. Mr. Okoth is Founder and Board Member of the Centre for Intellectual Property, Advocacy and Research (CIPLAR), a Kenyan non-governmental organization established in 2005.
Mr. Okoth holds undergraduate and post graduate degrees in Law as well as an undergraduate degree in Commerce, all from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University in India. Mr. Okoth is certified as a Member of the Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya and is admitted to practice law by the Chief Justice of Kenya under the Seal of the High Court of Kenya. Mr Okoth also holds a Diploma in Law and a Certificate in Human Resource Management both from the Kenya School of Law.
Fidelis Duker (Nigeria), regional generalsekreteraren för The Federation of Pan African Filmmakers (FEPACI) och ledande pionjär inom filmindustrin Nollywood. Bio nedan på engelska:
Fidelis Duker is a native of Henshaw Town, Calabar in Cross Rivers State and one of Nigeria’s foremost filmmaker who has written, produced or directed over 80 different motion picture content in his over 25 years as a creative entrepreneur. Some of his award winning works include NOT MY WILL, SCANDALS, BLOOD BROTHERS, PURE LOVE, LONDON BLUES, SENSELESS, NEMESIS, GIRLS NEXT DOOR, IMAGES, ELDORADO, HOT PASSION, DOCTOR DEATH amongst several others.
He has two Post graduate diplomas in Mass Communication and marketing from the Olabisi Onabanjo University and the Albion College United Kingdom respectively and an MBA in International Business from the Crawford University in Ogun state. A Former President of the Directors Guild of Nigeria and currently the Regional Secretary General of the Federation of Pan African Filmmakers (FEPACI) WR1.
An accomplished writer and columnist who has written for several local and international publications like National Mirronr, Festival Weekly, True Nollywood Stories, QED, Bon Monthly amongst several others.
A pioneer of the popular Nigerian Movie Industry called Nollywood with over 70 Feature films to his credit in his over 20 years of practice. He was elected Vice President of the Afrifestnet Steering Committee in April 2012 and via a change of leadership he became the President of the continental body for festivals in Africa on 13th of January 2013. He is the founder and Festival Director of the Abuja International Film Festival which is the longest running film festival in West Africa which has been on for 11 years. He founded the first film festival in cross rivers state called the Tinapa Film Festival and awards which held in April 2007 as part of the opening of Tinapa Studios. The Film Festival and award has since been renamed the Calabar Film Festival and Awards.
It is to his credit that as a filmmaker that several of the Nollywood Stars had their big break through some of his films, names like Uche Jombo, Bukkie wright, Desmond Elliot, Iyabo Ojo, Omoni Oboli, Rychado Agbor, Emeka amongst others.
He has screened his films at several local and international film festivals and he has won over 60 different awards and prizes in the motion picture industry having produced both on TV and Film.
Julia Kaseka (Zambia), grundare av Modzi promotions, ett eventbolag och en kulturell plattform som syftar till att stärka den Zambiska kultursektorn.
Bio in english:
Modzi Arts was founded in 2013 by Zambian artist and musician Julia Taonga Kaseka. Active in the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) arts scene since 2004, Julia became aware of the need for promotion of Zambian art and culture both domestically and internationally. Modzi Arts (“Modzi” meaning “one” in Njanya dialect) was established with the vision of providing a space for knowledge exchange, engagement and dialogue within the arts sector in the region.Modzi Arts aims to create awareness of traditional and modern Zambian art and culture within the artistic and broader community. In Zambia, both government and private sector support for the arts sector is extremely limited. The result is that many artists and would-be artists struggle to pursue artistic ventures, and ultimately the diversity and volume of works generated suffer as a result. Modzi Arts has recognized the huge potential for development of Zambian Art and its expansion into international markets.
Hana Al-Khamri (Sverige), journalist, grundare av den ideella organisationen The Yemeni Salon. Hana har även genomfört en undersökning av relationen mellan Egyptens kultursektor och demokratiska utveckling för Selams räkning.
Helen Asfaw – Program Director för Selam Ethiopia.
Presentation på engelska: Helen has a Bachelor degree in economics, public administration and development management, and a Master degree in social work. She has immense experience in the areas of social change development programs in Ethiopia and has been engaged för more than seven years in diverse local and international NGOs, working in the thematic areas of health, emergency and capacity building programs.
Emma Emitslöf (Sverige), projektsamordnare för Selams internationella projekt.
Moderator: Osiel Ibáñez (Sverige), chefsproducent för Selam Sverige.
Detaljerat programt inom kort. Konferensen äger rum på engelska.
Varmt välkomna!