Ashenda, Shadey, Solel and Ashendye Festival From Home – 2020

Ashenda, Shadey, Ahsendye and Solel are the biggest and unique religious and cultural festivals in Tigray and Amhara regional state in Ethiopia that is solely for girls and young women, The week of the festivity is a highly popular and beloved by women’s it’s have physical, artistic and aesthetic expressions.
Unlike the previous year’s this year’s festival can’t be able to be celebrated as enormous as before due to COVID-19. Because of this pandemic the Tigray region Meklle city and the Amhara region Sekota, Kobo, Lalibela be in the new approach to celebrate the long await annual cultural festival.
We are very happy to inform you that we have an ONLINE LIVE stream concert from Mekelle and Bahir Dar. You can watch the Shadey, Ahsendye and Solel artistic expression music shows via Selam Ethiopia Facebook link on August Saturday 22 – 2020 starting from 2:00 pm and the Ashenda celebration direct from Mekelle also on saturday August 22 – 2020 starting from 4:00 pm via our social media channels. Enjoy the Show!